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Manuscripts must be written in English, French or German. They must include a concise abstract of maximum 150 words. Authors should consult current issues of the Journal for symbols and style conventions, and should take the greatest possible care in preparing the original manuscript.
- Formulae and references should be avoided in an abstract.
- The paper must be clearly formatted. Remove the marginal typos.
- Unless the paper is shorter than 15 pages, the authors are asked to include
a paragraph explaining the role of the remaining parts of the paper at the end
of the first section.
AUTHOR PACKAGESAuthors are encouraged to prepare their manuscripts in LaTeX using our style file. When the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are requested to submit the source file. The TJM style file, tjm-manuscript.cls, is available here, with the readme.txt, sample.tex and guidance.pdf files. Please download them by clicking the following button.
Submission of a manuscript acknowledges that the paper is original and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should submit manuscripts from the webpage with suitable MSC (Mathematics Subject Classification) symbols and may choose an editor as a communicator at that time. When you chose MSC symbols, recall that this is a journal for pure mathematics. Only PDF files can be accepted. Exceptionally, a paper may be submitted by e-mail or as hard copy to one of the editors, although this may cause delay in the handling of the paper. Authors should retain a complete copy of the manuscript for themselves. If you need assistance or more information, please write to
tjm-editor(at mark) (please change "(at mark)" to "@")
For submission, authors need to login the submission page. Click the following submission button.
In the following screenshots, you may see larger pictures by clicking the thumbnails. If you do not have a login ID, you can create your ID. The red triangle in Fig.1 designates the button for a new ID. After log-in, you will see the top page (Fig.2). Click "Management of Submitted Papers". In "Management of Submitted Papers" screen (Fig.3), click the "New Submission" button. In the next screen (Fig.4) and later, follow the instructions. MSC symbols are required here.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Authors of papers accepted for publication will be requested to sign a copyright transfer form. This will also apply to the electronic publication. Usage for educational and scientific purposes by authors will be permitted, subject to the conditions in the copyright transfer form.
Up to fifty off-prints are provided free to authors under their request. Additional copies can be purchased at authors' cost.